
We are your puppets God.” – Minister Bumie Dada

Typically, when we hear the word “puppets” we think negatively about whatever is being referenced to . To be used by someone or something else is basically against human nature, it’s humanity 101. Maybe that is why we become hesitant and reluctant to allowing God to take over. Though, what if we were created to look like a puppet but we really weren’t? What if we were given full control to who want to be but we desired to be a complete version of ourselves? What if when we lied, even if we couldn’t see it ourselves, spiritually our noses were growing? What if we had a conscience like Jiminy to guide us but we always refused to because we were too busy trying to be like everyone else when in truth we were made to become a great, not just good, boy, or girl? Let me just tell you something…we are all a Pinocchio.

You read it right, we are all Pinocchio. Whether you choose to see it as so or not, that is completely up to you. Though when Minister Dada said the quote that was posted above, I was like “wow Jesus, that is so true! I want to be your puppet and I want to be used by you. What is life God? Like seriously?!” According to how we are as humans, we just want to be in full control of everything, but we don’t have the capability to do it on our own. Wait, before I even go there, let me explain to you the significance of Geppetto, a carpenter. Now think about this, the creator of Pinocchio ( not the author, but the character that created him) was a carpenter.

The Master Carpenter

Our creator, God, came in a human version as the son of a carpenter and a carpenter themselves. Geppetto, didn’t create Pinocchio in one night but he took his time to create a being that he desired for. Geppetto wanted a son and not just puppets that couldn’t do anything. He wanted someone who would choose him because, aside from the fact that he loved the being, the being loved him. God took his time to work on each and every one of us. God didn’t just through pieces together and say, “well there it goes.” Oh no; the word of God says in Psalm 139:13-14, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” (NKJV) To top it off, even after God took his time to make each of us because we are uniquely special to him, God himself used His power to bring us to life. God made us without any strings, just like Pinocchio didn’t have any strings but instead could move on his own. 

Love that Completes, Pinocchio was glad to be alive but he desired something that couldn’t have been made with just the powers of the blue fairy. Pinocchio wanted to be a real boy, a complete version of himself. Similar to our wooden friend, we all are constantly searching for something. We all feel a void in our hearts one moment in our lives. There are times when we try to explain that void but using other things. We use money, food, materials, emotions, and even people to complete the void that we so desperately want completed. Nothing in this world can make us complete. Only when we choose to submit and wholeheartedly fall in love with our creator, do we feel the void being filled up permanently. When we choose to love and put our Creator first, we realize that in order for us to become a complete version of ourselves just Hillsong United stated in Touch the Sky, “I found my life when I laid it down.” (MetroLyrics)

The Helper

In order for Pinocchio to have gotten to where he wanted to be, he needed some guidance especially since Geppetto couldn’t be with him at all times. Pinocchio was entrusted under the watch of Jiminy Cricket. Jiminy was of course Pinocchio conscience. A conscience is a voice that helps one decipher what is good and what is not. Jiminy was Pinocchio’s  helper and in similarity, our Creator entrusted us with a helper, actually the  Helper. When Jesus was close to his departure, he told his followers that even though he wouldn’t be with us at all times, He will send a Helper to us. “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” (‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭26‬ NKJV) God has blessed us with our very own Jiminy and not just a small version either but one that has the power to take us from point A to Z because He is very power of God.

Evident Lies

Whenever you mention the story of Pinocchio to people, the first thing that comes to mind typically is the that it’s a story of a boy who lies and his nose gets longer the more that he continues to lie. It’s very easy to point out the faults in others when one sees them very clearly. Pinocchio isn’t the only one that lies, we all do it too. Our parents or guardians tend to teach us the right things to do like brushing our teeth before bed, saying please and thank you, and caring for others. But it’s truly remarkable that people are not taught to typically lie but instead it just comes like a second language.

Lying isn’t something normally is taught to people but it’s something we’ve all done. Just like Pinocchio, we weren’t taught to lie but we have all done it before. The only difference aside from the fact that Pinocchio is a fictional character is that our noses don’t miraculously stretch on forward when we lie. “We all have lied before and we think that people don’t see it but even if everyone else around us doesn’t know, in front of God our noses are getting bigger. ” (Bumie Dada) Dada is right, we all sin in different ways like Pinocchio who didn’t just lie but also was disobedient. Just because the world doesn’t see our sins though, doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. No, we are just really good at hiding them from the ones around us. However, God sees it all. No one can hide their sins from God, it’s impossible because he sees everything.  There’s only one cure for the disease, to confess it and repent; to realize our wrong doing and to turn way from our negative habits.

You have set our iniquities before You,
Our secret sins in the light of Your countenance.” – Psalms 90:8 (NKJV)

There are many other connections that Pinocchio has in common with us, both the story and the boy but it I were to continue, I don’t how long this post will become. I seriously would like to thank Carlo Collodi, the author of the original Pinocchio,  for not just giving us a beautiful childhood story that taught us to be true to ourselves and to not lie but also to love and be grateful for those that we are blessed to have in our lives. Thank Jesus for using this literary piece and giving it meaning enough to truly become one of the greatest masterpieces. Though most of these connections were given to me through God, not everyone sees things that this article may have stated but that’s the beauty of life…not everyone is made to the same and not everyone who is a puppet can become a real boy. Pinocchio maybe a childhood fictional piece but children are truly the wisest of them all.

head on one side, its arms dangling, and its legs so crossed and bent that it was really a miracle that it remained standing. Pinocchio turned and looked at it; and, after he had looked at it for a short time, he said to himself with great complacency: “How ridiculous I was when I was a puppet! And how glad I am that I have become a well-behaved little boy!”
― Carlo Collodi, Pinocchio

❤️ Abgail 

2 thoughts on “Pinocchio

  1. I never thought about the connection until I read your article. We are all flawed and we all do want to become something very important. Such an eye opening post.


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